Spring into Bloom
To celebrate the beauty of the seasons, we welcome you on a virtual in-club garden tour. It includes forced branches and new blooms coming up in members' gardens in the spring, and it continues through the seasons. Enjoy!
Flowering Dogwood, Cornus florida,
native to Eastern North America;
forced branch by Donna Rose
Snow Crocus, C. chrysanthus,
blooms as the snow melts;
"parent of many fine garden hybrids" (McClure & Zimmerman Bulb Brokers)
Cornelian cherry, Cornus mas,
blooms early April for several weeks;
introduced before 1800 (Donald Wyman);
in WGC Arboretum
Common Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, blooms in very early spring;
Amaryllis family;
native to Europe
Glory of the Snow, Chinodoxa sp.
Related to Scilla, originally from Crete, W. Turkey, and Cyprus
Glory of the Snow, Chionodoxa luciliae
Forsythia sp.
Spring Border
Hyacinth cv.
Cyclamineus Daffodil
Pansy, Viola tricolor hortensis
Snow Azalea, Rhododendron mucronatum, originally from Japan,
semi-evergreen azalea with hairy leaves
Snow Azalea, Rhododendron mucronatum, originally from Japan,
semi-evergreen azalea with hairy leaves
Snow Azalea, Rhododendron mucronatum, originally from Japan,
semi-evergreen azalea with hairy leaves
Snow Azalea, Rhododendron mucronatum, originally from Japan,
semi-evergreen azalea with hairy leaves
Yellow Trillium T. luteum,
native to S.E. US
Purple Trillium T. erectum,
native to E. North America
Great White Trillium T. grandiflorum,
native to E. North America
Bloodroot (native), Anemone ranunculoides, Pulmonaria sp.
Dicentra cucullaria,
native from Nova Scotia to N. Carolina
Muscari armeniacum
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'Sapphire Gem'
Sweet Woodruff, Gallium odoratum
(aka sweetscented bedstraw)
Snow in May
Sweet Woodruff, Gallium odoratum (aka sweetscented bedstraw)
Veronica peduncularis
May-forming Speedwell
Native to Turkey, Ukraine
Phlox stolonifera
Phlox stolonifera
Phlox divaricata
Woodland phlox
Native to Canada, E. US
Virginia bluebells, Mertensia virginica, native to North America
Kwanza cherry and crabapple
Aquilegia flatbellata nana
Dicentra spectabilis
Iris cristata
Iris ensata
Iris pumila
Dwarf Iris native to E. Europe
Garden Scene in June
Sophie's Rose
Clematis candida
Rhododendron kiusianum
Camassia sp.
Bulbs native to meadowlands of North America; once an important food source for native Americans
An Alternative to a Lawn
Let the daisies grow in! Mow it down after bloom. Add creeping thyme. Goldfinch love it.
Epimedium sp. with viola
Native to Mediterranean to E. Asia
Highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum
Native to E. North America
Dwarf fothergilla, F. gardenii
Native to S.E. US
Fothergilla major
Large fothergilla
Native to Allegheny Mountains
Iris ensata
Sedum kamtschaticum variegatum
Rose Pink Bountiful
Hosta Sharp Dressed Man
Ilex verticillate
Common Winterberry
Photo taken October 31, 2020
Ilex x meserveae
Initial crosses made by Mrs. Leighton Meserve
Photo taken October 31, 2020